Chinga La Polimigra Campaign


The Chinga la Polimigra Campaign is Puente’s campaign against the racial profiling of Phoenix residents by the Phoenix Police Department (PPD). Our campaign is fighting to end PPD’s immigration policy Operations Order 4.48, which functions as the implementation arm of Arizona's anti-immigrant policy SB1070. 2020 marks the 10-year anniversary of the passage of SB1070 and the beginning of one of Puente’s largest campaigns. Puente continues to advocate to repeal the unjust “show me your papers” law. Stopping SB1070 from separating our communities begins with ending the police and ICE collaboration efforts in effect through Operations Order 4.48.

Our Fight Against 4.48, SB1070, and Racial Profiling:

In October of 2010, Phoenix Police Department created and implemented Operations Order 4.48, aimed at enforcing SB1070, otherwise known as the “show me your papers” law. PPD implemented this policy without any opportunity for community input or public discussion. We launched our first campaign against Operations Order 4.48 in 2010, which aimed to expose the unjust policy to the public. We have been pushing the PPD to end compliance with SB1070 “show me your papers” practices and provide transparency regarding police collaboration with ICE and MCSO for over 10 years. In 2017, Puente, together with our community partners, was able to make progress and change various provisions on the Operations Order 4.48 policy that limited profiling practices by PPD and required tracking contact with ICE.  

This year, Puente obtained data on PPD contact with ICE between 2017 and 2019. Our research of this data concludes that Phoenix Police Officers are in violation of their own Operations Order 4.48 policy.


Our Findings: A Decade of Racial Profiling, a Decade of Police and ICE Collaboration

Our findings have shown that, against the mandate of their own 4.48 policy, Phoenix Police Department:

  • Collaborates with ICE and MCSO;
  • Prolongs stop times to determine the legal status of residents;
  • Has held and later transported individuals to ICE;
  • Questions and detains juveniles and residents during consensual contacts;
  • Are negligent in tracking and documenting the length of stops, gender and ethnicity of the person stopped, reason for contacting ICE, type of violations, and the outcome of encounter. 

The Phoenix Police Department has failed to comply with their own Operations Order 4.48. The data shows that Phoenix Police officers continue to partake in racial profiling practices and operates as Poli-migra through Operation Order 4.48. 

Ending Operations Order 4.48 is a step in the direction towards repealing SB1070 and ending statewide racial profiling by police. Police officers are not immigration officers; they should not have the power to question the immigration status of Phoenix residents. Download our report.


  1. We demand a federal investigation of the Pheonix Police Department and their practices of racial profiling and prolonged stops. Additionally, we demand the Department of Justice investigate PPD’s excessive use of force and violence against black, brown and indigenous peoples. 
  2. We demand Mayor Kate Gallego and the Phoenix City Council audit police practices under Operations Order 4.48 in both council meetings and subcommittee meetings. The council must hold Phoenix Police Department staff accountable for aiding and abetting racial profiling practices. 
  3. Stop racial profiling! End Operations Order 4.48! End collaboration between Phoenix Police and ICE! 
  4. Track and monitor all contacts Phoenix Police Department has with ICE and make this information available to the public. 
  5. Stop the practice of prolonging stops to verify immigration status and stop holding people for ICE.   
  6. We demand a thorough investigation on the unknown reasons for stops between 2017 - 2020 and the status of contacts to ICE for Civil criminal violations, consensual stops, and other misuse of policy. 
  7. End the profiling and questioning of status towards victims of crimes, witnesses to crimes, minors, human trafficking victims, and consensual contacts.  
  8. Fire Phoenix Police Officers VCB officials and supervising staff who have an outstanding record of repeated contacts to ICE or have multiple misuse of policy.
  9. Repeal SB 1070 and end police and ICE collaboration! 